Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Langsing Selepas Bersalin
Selepas bersalin semua ibu mahukan bentuk badan yang langsing dalam tempoh yang pantas. Biasanya kebanyakan wanita mengalami kesukaran untuk mencapainya.

Mengembalikan berat badan asal selepas bersalin bukan tugas yang mudah. Tetapi ia juga bukan sesuatu yang mustahil. Kesukaran para ibu menghilangkan berat badan yang meningkat semasa hamil bukan masalah luar biasa.

Ibu perlu tahu kaedah berkesan membantu kembali bertenaga, cergas dan menawan sepanjang melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai ibu. Panduan berikut mungkin memberi makna kepada semua wanita yang baharu bersalin.

Pemulihan Selepas Bersalin
Sembilan bulan sepanjang hamil, badan anda mengalami banyak perubahan dan pastinya emosi anda sendiri umpama rollercoaster sepanjang tempoh itu.

Cabaran dan keseronokan bergelar ibu baharu turut terganggu dengan persoalan yang bermain di minda ‘bagaimana saya boleh dapatkan semula badan sebelum hamil'? Sebenarnya badan kita pulih dalam banyak aspek kehamilan secara semulajadi; rahim mengecut kepada bentuk asal dalam masa enam minggu selepas bersalin dan keanjalan ligamen badan kembali perlahan-lahan kepada bentuk asal (sekitar 3 ke 6 bulan).

Malangnya, tisu-tisu otot tidak berfungsi dengan cara yang sama. Oleh itu pentingnya kita melakukan senaman sebagai rutin harian dalam usaha untuk mengembalikan otot-otot kepada keupayaan fungsi, kekuatan dan kepanjangan normalnya.

Rajin atau malas bukan persoalan kerana ibu perlu lakukan senaman yang rutin untuk mengelakkan otot-otot daripada mengecut dan menjadi lemah.

Selain daripada itu, rawatan pelangsingan di spa turut membantu ibu mendapatkan semula badan yang langsing dan pejal. Pakej rawatan pelangsingan di spa membantu ibu untuk mengawal penghasilan selulit dan memecahkan sel lemak yang banyak semasa mengandung. Bahkan ia turut membantu para ibu mengurangkan kesan rekahan serta kembali ke bentuk badan asal lebih cepat.

Rawatan Pelangsingan Badan
Sebelum memilih rawatan pelangsingan badan di spa, anda perlu tahu apakah jenis rawatan yang sesuai untuk ibu selepas bersalin. Jangan terpedaya dengan tawaran melangsingkan badan yang mungkin tidak sesuai dan berbahaya kepada anda.

Antara rawatan yang disarankan kepada wanita yang baharu melahirkan anak termasuk :

Skrub badan
Rawatan ini memang boleh dilakukan selepas bersalin dan amat digalakkan. Ia bertujuan untuk membuka pori-pori kulit jadi sel-sel kulit mati boleh ditanggalkan.

Rawatan yang memberikan getaran kepada tubuh ibu membolehkan sel-sel lemak bergetar dan hancur sedikit demi sedikit. Ia boleh membuang toksik yang ada di dalam badan supaya senang dipecahkan.

Hot Blanket/Sauna
Ia bertujuan untuk proses detoksifikasi kerana ada wanita yang menjadi gemuk semasa hamil kerana terlalu banyak air (water retention). Jadi selepas proses ini air yang berlebihan akan hilang dan seterusnya ukuran inci badan akan berkurangan.

Urutan Pelangsingan
Setiap teknik urutan pelangsingan membolehkan sel-sel lemak di dalam badan diuraikan. Urutan yang berkesan akan menyebabkan ibu berasa gatal-gatal di bahagian yang diurut. Ia perkara normal kerana menunjukkan proses pemecahan lemak sedang berlaku.

G5 Rawatan Pelangsingan
Penggunaan mesin pelangsingan tidak berbahaya kepada ibu-ibu baharu melahirkan anak. Ia melibatkan teknik getaran yang bertujuan memecahkan lemak di dalam badan lebih pantas iaitu sepantas apabila melakukan 100 kali senaman sit-up dan 100 kali push-up.

*Tetapi perlu diingat rawatan menggunakan teknik ini hanya boleh dilakukan selepas 3 bulan bagi ibu melahirkan bayi secara normal dan 6 bulan yang melahirkan secara pembedahan caesarean.

Pengambilan Minuman
Bukan sebarang minuman herba boleh diambil oleh ibu kerana bimbang minuman teh herba tertentu boleh memberi kesan kepada susu badan yang diminum bayi. Justeru, minuman yang dibenarkan berasaskan halia dan limau nipis yang membantu membuang angin di dalam badan.

Namun, sebelum memilih mengikut program pelangsingan badan di spa, ada beberapa perkara mesti diambil kira :
Bagi para ibu yang masih menyusukan bayi secara eksklusif, pastikan bahawa produk pelangsingan yang digunakan adalah bebas daripada bahan kimia, pewarna tiruan dan bahan awet yang berbahaya dan memudaratkan.

Ibu yang bersalin secara normal, boleh memulakan program-program pelangsingan seawal 3 bulan selepas bersalin

Ibu yang melahirkan anak secara pembedahan caesarean, hanya boleh memulakan program-program pelangsingan selepas 6 bulan kelahiran. Bagi para ibu yang masih menyusukan bayi, elakkan daripada mengambil ubat-ubatan pelangsingan yang berkaitan dengan proses detoksifikasi kerana ia akan menyebabkan bayi anda mengalami cirit-birit sehingga boleh menyebabkan dehidrasi.

Senaman Juga Penting
Senaman turut membantu anda mendapatkan kembali bentuk badan menarik namun mengambil jangka masa yang lama untuk melihat kesannya.

Beri masa kepada diri sendiri untuk mencapai berat badan ideal dalam tempoh enam hingga 12 bulan mengikut program senaman yang konsisten.

Senaman membantu proses penyembuhan dan pemulihan yang pantas selepas melahirkan bayi, peningkatan metabolisme dan pantas kembali ke bentuk badan sebelum hamil dan tahap kecergasan.

Ia turut mengurangkan tahap tekanan dan kemungkinan besar pembentukan tekanan selepas bersalin. Ibu juga lebih bertenaga untuk menjalankan peranan sebagai ibu.

Justeru, untuk berjaya mencapai bentuk dan berat badan sasaran, ibu perlu konsisten melakukan senaman tetapi ingat jangan paksa diri. Paling penting anda seronok melakukannya.

Antara senaman sesuai untuk selepas bersalin adalah :-
♦ Berenang dan Aqua aerobics
♦ Brisk walking
♦ Berbasikal
♦ Aerobik berkadar rendah

Alamat Spa: 


Thursday, 11 October 2012

You Can Be Slim Again..and even better...You can Stay Slim! ;)

You may think, another company another product. The market is full of slimming products.

The world is full of promises. I have tried so many already - not another one!

Believe me, I do understand!

And I would like to assure you, this is NOT a magic pill! This is NOT a substance you take over night and everything is like you want it the next morning. That would be nice, but life doesn't work that way.

If you are looking for a product, naturally based, which supports and activates the body and operates with the body instead of deceiving it, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!

If you had basically given up but still somehow had the hope that there was a chance to get slim again,then read on.

BIOS LIFE™ COMPLETE - worldwide knowledge on health combined!

Bios Life Slim

Bios Life Complete

Already in the 1980s, Unicity realised the dangers of fast food, mass produced food, environmental pollution and the deficiency in vital substances.
When they evaluated worldwide data from WHO (World Health Organisation), they established that people from the southern Mediterranean and parts of the Asian continent were healthier than the rest of the world. Their life expectation was also higher.

They combined the nutrients and vitamins that these ethnic groups had in their daily diet. Many of the contents of Bios Life such as soluble fibre and soya building blocks, extract of chrysanthemum or other certain substances from sugar cane have been known for their health-enhancing effects for generations.

Bios Life slim™ includes Bios Life™ COMPLETE. Having this background data, it is easy to see that Bios Life slim™ is not just another vitamin product. It is a scientific milestone in nutritional research, benefiting the whole family.

It is well-researched and a proven product - all naturally based. It is the flag ship product of the well-established company, Unicity which continued the long tradition of production in naturally based health products started by Rexall over a 100 years ago. Thousands of doctors and nutritionists world wide recommend Bios Life™. It represents a first-class, natural supply of basics nutrients for a healthy metabolism and has been largely sold in the US, Asia and Germany until now (over 50 million sales)

Now Bios Life slim™ is becoming the new Lifestyle Drink for millions of people all over the world and YOU can enjoy it too.

In short: Bios Life slim™ can effectively support your body

  • in the transition to burn its body fat
  • to maintain its healthy body weight afterwards
  • to reduce cravings and to feel satisfied
  • in stimulating its metabolism
  • to maintain healthy blood sugar levels
  • to lower the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and Triglyceride (blood fat)
  • to increase the desirable HDL cholesterol
  • to detoxify its bowel 
  • to maintain healthy intestinal flora
  • to support your immune system
  • to have increased energy and mental clarity
  • in improving the glycaemic index - GI index - of food 
  • (effects of carbohydrate on your blood sugar level)

Unicity, We are the Make Life Better company

Join us in "Happy Life Project" for health & wealth!


Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Sneak Preview : What is Bios Life Slim?

Bios Life Slim is a revolutionary fat burning product
Providing the first scientific breakthrough in fat-loss in over 30 years. Containing natural, proprietary ingredients, Bios Life Slim helps your body naturally regulate the amount of fat stored.

Drinking Bios Life Slim at least twice a day with your meals trains your body to burn away excess fat forever—without the jitters, hunger, or confusion of other weight-loss products or programs—creating a slimmer, more active, more attractive you.

We want you to slim down—and stay slim. A diet is something you do to your body; Bios Life Slim is something you do with your body. Youre gradually training your body to burn fat, not store it. It usually takes about three months for this process to become permanent. Most begin feeling better within days, and report that a reduction in size starts about 30 days later.

Purchase & be a franchise owner with very low investment ;)

contact me now!


Step 1 : Clear start 30 days (cleanse +detox ur body)

Assalam n hi to all,

pasti ramai yang ingin tahun revolusi baru to loose inches kan?

let me show you the detox product for starter and you can see the result within amonth?

isn't that great?

raya pun tinggal 2 bulan lagi dan rasanya belum terlambat utk memulakan program get slim challenge!

dapatkan set di bawah while stock last!

click on picture to enlarge size

fyi, ramai yg telah mencuba dan berminat utk order set kedua mereka apabila melihat resultnya! nantikan testimoniesnya...wehuuu

uols bila lagi???

ingat! product ini telah termasuk di dalam senarai PDR 2010 dan tidak perlu dipertikaikan serta disokong penuh para doktor, physicians' n dietician. jadi ianya bukan drugs dan sangat elok untuk kesihatan.

kepada para doc yg berminat to recommand ths product to your patient, pls pm/call me you too can generate xtra income from the world class product by Unicity


Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Why Unicity???

Di Unicity saya melihat kelainan, di mana perniagaan dilakukan secara adil, tidak ada kes menjual sistem, mencuri client walaupun bila kita sudah sampai ke destinasi untuk mendaftar prospek...tup..tup...dihijack oleh so call manusia2 yg tidak bertanggugjawab, menipu atau memaksa pelanggan membuat loan yang tidak masuk akal.

Unicity hanya mengaplikasi satu system saksama dan adil serta dipantau dgn system yang dipanggil Unipower System

Why Unicity???

Unicity is wellness company headquarters in America and operating in nearly 30 countries around the world.

Company History - Unicity is time tested and has history that goes back more than 100 years.

The company is the result of a merger of two established companies = Rexall Showcase International and Enrich Both have long track records in manufacturing multivitamins and nutritional supplements.

Unicity is Strong in research & develompent. We have our own laboratories and conduct clincal studies in partnership with leading research institutes in the US.

Unicity produces products with a very high standard.

We are the ONLY COMPANY with 12 products listed on the Physicians' Desk Reference - a reference book for doctors and medical practitioners.

The PDR comes in two versions - one covering pharmaceutical products and
- the other, nutritional supplements.
Unicity products are listed among the Pharmaceuticals that doctors and pharmacist can recommend to their patients without professional concerns.

Unicity offers a very wide and complete range of nutritional supplements.

WIth about 400 products available globally, Unicity has almost something to address every health concern.

In Unicity we believe an important first step in supplementation is to detox or cleanse the body of toxins that have been accumulating in our system.

Unicity offers a complete range of detox products - from cleansing the intestines and the blood tp the lymphatic system and liver.


Nature's Tea for example - a tea to cleanse th colon

Take this product after dinner for at least 10 nights or up to 2 weeks and please observe what comes out the next morning when you visit the toilet.

Look at the pictures below to see the gut before and after cleansing

This product can help people with migraine. Do you know that such headaches are due to a dirty colon?

detox & cleanses the intestinal & urinary systems

Removes unpleasant body ordor

Enhances bowel transit

Eliminates constipation

Reduces cholesterol

Imprives urinary transit

manages weight

nomore tiredness & fatigue

Reduces risk of stomach ulser

Reduces risk of colon cancer


Consider a Bios Life - clinically proven and patented product listed in the PDR.

It has been used to help people reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke for 20 years.

Doctors in the US have been recommending Bios Life as serious natural alternative to statin drugs in the treatment of unhealthy cholesterol. With Bios Life, people can improve their cholesterol levels without any of the side effects of statin drugs.

The product comes with a global money back gaurantee. If one's cholesterol profile does not imporve after 60 days, the company will provide a 100% refund.

Bios Life is also effective in addressing related health issues like high blood pressire and diabetes.


In its continuing to give the market what it wants, Unicity has developed a new signature product based on the best-selling Bios Life

With Bios Life Slim, Unicity offers both beauty and health in one package. Users can burn fat and lose fat permanently within 90 days and in the process, achieve a healthy cholesterol profile.


Unicity is also a leader in personal care, offering a wide range of products for skin care and hair care.

Unicity is a leader in the use of nano technology in skin products. Our proprietary Nanomins ensures qick and 100% absorption of the nutrients deep into the skin.


For a very small investment, you can own the Franchise to build a global business with these great products.

In this business you don't work alone!

The company (Unicity) will provide a quality products, inventory and accouting and the income

Unipower (system) is the business school that will provide the knowhow, business tools and functions that will train you and your people

All you need to do is to plug into the system to get the result you want.

Many have achieved very big results building their business with the Unipower System

Misi saya adalah untuk membantu lebih ramai diluar sana terutamanya rakyat Malaysia mendapat tahap kesihatan dan hidup dengan lebih sempurna dan sama-sama kita jayakan

"Happy Life Project" - a project that teach us how to attain 100% happy life ;)

Try the product, use it! feel it!

pm/sms and i'll show you the way to generate income from this online business :)
